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Building Hits and Memories

2PK has been located in three different locations over the last 80 years.


1937 – 1947     Close Street

The original 2PK site was located in Close Street opposite Keast Park.  The was completely destroyed by fire in December 1947. Only the transmitter mask and aerials remained standing after the building was guttered.  A temporary location was found before moving into a permanent site in April, 1949.


1949 – 1979      307 Clarinda Street

After broadcasting from temporary premises 2PK welcomed its main street location at 307 Clarinda Street. The building was demolished and Woolworths now stands on the site today. 


1979 – Current      331 Clarinda Street

A brand new, modern a station was built in 1979. When completed it contained the latest broadcasting and recording technology available.  On Friday 2nd November 1979 the building was officially opened by well-known Condobolin woman, Honourable Anne Press, a former MLC in the NSW Parliament.


The total cost of the building was a staggering $200.000. Back in 1979 that was a phenomenal amount of money. The new building cemented new foundations giving a clear indication of 2PK’s confidence in the future of Parkes, Forbes and Condobolin districts. This confidence remains today so too does the building

Past Announcers & Staff

In the past 80 years 2PK has been a great station for many young inspiring Announcers to begin their illustrious Radio Career.


You many not be aware but many Radio and TV personalities began their careers right here in the Central West at Radio Station 1404, 2PK. 


Back in 1953, a young enthusiastic Announcer starting his Radio career came to work at 2PK. Later he would go on to become one of the most influential media personalities in Australia. Mr John Laws.


2PK has seen many faces come and go over the years. Many loved their time they returned to work at 2PK once again or migrated to 2PK's FM sister Station, 95five The ROK.


Here is a small snapshot of some past   Announcers. Hopefully there are some old names or faces that you became familiar with growing up.


Can you recognize a name or can you remember a face?  Have a closer look at these names and faces. Maybe they are still in Radio today, or moved onto your TV..... Go on, have a closer look...

Parkes Broadcasting Co PTY LTD

It all began 80 years ago, back on 5th October 1937 when Parkes Broadcasting began transmitting from its Close street studios


Excited people throughout the Central West gathered around their "wireless" tuning into 2PK, 1400 on the AM band. 


Many generations have kept their dials tuned to 2PK later fine tuning it to 1404.


2PK started as a Family owned company with the Spice family in 1937.


Today Parkes Broadcasting still remains family owned and is a part of Super Radio Network.


​​1937 - 1986

Mr F Spicer OBE OAM Founder of Parkes Broadcasting Company commenced broadcasting 5th October, 1937


​1986 - 1987

Western Broadcasters Pty Ltd was purchased by Broadcast Operations Ltd Griffith, a division of the Linter Group.


1987 - Present

In November, the Linter Group sold Broadcast Operations’ media interests to Tweed Heads-based group and become part of the Super Radio Network.

The 2PK Sunshine Club

The 2PK Sunshine Club raised much needed money for the Royal Children's Far West.


The Parkes Museum has a very impressive collection memorabilia relating to both  2PK and the Sunshine Club.


We strongly encourage you to visit the Parkes Museum located at the Parkes Visitors center on the Peak Hill Road and see the fantastic collection of memorabilia they have on display .


The Center ins open 7 Days from 10.30am to 5pm  








The Ampol Show with Jack Davy


This Episode of The Ampol Show with Jack Davy Show Recorded Live from the Renown Theater Condobolin. Local residents John Kerrin, Mona Alexander, Ron Rogers and Pat Lees.

Jack Davy Ampol Show - Renown Theater Condobolin

The 2PK Sunshine Club Theme Song

Painting the Clouds with Sunshine was the familiar tune of the 2PK Sunshine Club.


From 1939 to 1982 at 11am the track would be played letting the Central West residents know that Betty was about to launch into 2PK's Sunshine Club. 


Painting The Clouds with Sunshine - George Sorlie

The Ampol Show with Jack Davy

Back in the glorious days of Radio, each evening families would gather around their sitting rooms listening to the hypnotic buzz of their “Wireless”  to hear The Ampol Show with Jack Davy.


This broadcast of the Ampol Show with Jack Davy was recorded here in Parkes at the Century Theater..

Jack Davy Ampol Show - Parkes

The 2PK Sunshine Club Show

Take a trip down memory lane with the

2PK Sunshine Club.


We have opened the 2PK vault and found some old audio from the Sunshine Club.

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

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